Cremology индивидуальная косметика

Первая система индивидуальной косметики. Цифровая диагностика + уникальная формула крема.

Cremology is a new revolutionary dermocosmetic concept based on the complete personalisation of the product, thereby guaranteeing the most appropriate treatment for the needs of each person and, of course, ensuring the best results in facial care. Therefore, this is a cosmetic that is design to treat individual problems: “a cosmetic that is tailor-made for your skin”.  To find out what specific treatment each skin needs, a digital diagnostics is carried out using a professional measuring device which assesses the level of sensitivity, hydrations, elasticity, grease, pores, blemishes and wrinkles of the skin. According to the results obtained, and using our Digital Cosmetic Prescription software, the best combination of Active ingridients and Concentrates is selected to treat the problems detected. This means that the perfect facial cream is produced for each person. Cremology is a radically different dermocosmetic concept, created from the combination of new technologies and cosmetics.

In total we have 26 active ingredients and 6 concentrates, with wich we can create around 50,000 different combinations, which means we can guarantee that every skin type can be treated according to its specific characteristics and needs.

Profero cosmetics СПА косметика для тела

Масла для массажа и просто для тела, пилинги, массажные свечи и другие продукты изготовленыиз 100% натуральных масел высокого качества, без консервантов. Продукты можно использовать как в салоне так и для ухода за кожей тела в домашних условиях. Масла насыщены минера-лами, протеинами и витаминами, что обеспечивает болеее глубокое увлаж-нение и питание кожи.

Массажные свечи для теплого и ароматного массажа. 

Массажные масла, пилинги для тела. 

Каждый продукт имеет свой уникальный аромат, что делает проце-дуры незабываемыми.

Cremology косметика для домашнего ухода

Cremology is a face cream that is suitable for both men and women; and that‘s not all, it also adapts to changes, in other words, to the needs that may occur over time and which obviously need to be treated. Remarkable features of the Cremology face cream: it contains a concentration of active principles up to 10 times greater than the most prestigious creams; and we use hypoallergenic perfumes so that people with sensitive skin can also use it. At Cremology we have created a complete and effective facial treatment to be applied at home, which can be used to successfully, and in a personalised manner, treat all the problems that any type of skin can have, after first carrying out a digital diagnosis to analyse the skin. Our treatment provides complete care and includes a cream, a serum, an eye cream and a cleansing gel.

Our range of face serums consists of 6 products with a high concentration of active ingredients that mean we can effectively treat the most common skin problems: dehydration, wrinkles, flaccid skin, red patches… To determine which serum to use we follow the same process: with the professional measuring device it only takes us a few minutes to get precise information about the condition and needs of your skin and, based on these results, our software chooses the ideal serum.

The skin around the eyes has its own characteristics that make it especially delicate and that’s why it needs specific products to treat it correctly. At Cremology we have created two eye creams that are suitable for effectively combating the main problems that affect this area: puffs, dark circles and wrinkles. The ideal eye cream for each person is selected using our standard procedure, in other words, by analyzing the skin in order to determine its needs.

Cleansing is one of the most important beauty steps. It removes the dirt and dead cells that have built up on the skin over the course of the day, which is essential for keeping our skin clean and healthy. Therefore, it is an essential step before applying any treatment. The Cremology cleansing gel not only cleans the skin in depth but it also keeps it hydrated. A face wipe is included with the product to comfortably wipe off any residue of the cleansing gel. Our product has been designed for use on any type of skin, even the most sensitive skin

Косметика для аппаратных процедур

RF (радио лифтинг) эмильсии для процедур тела и лица: lipolytic / anti-cellulite, firming / anti-cellulite, faicial anti-age / firming, neutral.

Lipocavitation gel с гуараной и кофеином (5 L с помпой).

Ultrasound / protective gel for IPL phototherapy, acoustic waves and other treatemtns.

Collagen, hyaluronic и vitamine C  коллагеновые маски для процедур лица.

Cryolipolysis защитный крем для криолиполиза.

Zionic крем для использпования с аппаратом и для домашнего ухода после саллоных процедур.

Массажное масло для вакуумных процедур.

Информация по тел. +370 610 27691